LOCATION: Nashville, TN
CLIENT: City of Nashville (MDHA) and the Department of Public Works
In 2005, HDLA completed a Master Plan for the East Nashville Civic Square. This 9 month long study created a plan to establish a new town center for the East Nashville area as well as vital pedestrian links to the nearby 5 Points mixed-use development area. A series of four public meetings were held to gain input from the local residents and stakeholders. One of the meetings included a design charrette, where those attending the public meeting were broken into small groups and asked a series of questions that resulted in the creation of individual team designs for the area. Many of the ideas that came from this charrette process were incorporated into the final design. The end result was a master plan that was created and endorsed by the local community. The Master Plan includes the creation of a grand oval lawn to celebrate East Nashville with a rearranged Gallatin Rd. around an ellipse. With the pedestrian and cyclist in mind, two traffic lanes will be reduced in width as a traffic calming measure and a bike lane will be established. These traffic improvements will act as a crucial step to unifying the neighborhood as well as creating ‘green links’ to different nodes throughout the community.