LOCATION: Winter Garden, Florida
CLIENT: City of Winter Garden, Florida
The City approached 3. Fromme Design to develop a regional garden destination showcasing and communicating the intimate connections among personal, ecological, and community health. Fromme partnered with HDLA (Nashville, TN) to collaborate with key City leadership to generate the project’s goals, educational themes, attractions, amenities, and character reflective of Winter Garden’s identity and heritage.
Four areas comprise the Wellness Park proper: The Farm, The Gardens, the Fitness Park, and Staff and Support. The Farm showcases edible plants – annual, perennial, and woody species - for Florida landscapes. An open-air demonstration kitchen is the Farm’s social and programmatic hub. Large events find a venue in the adjacent lawn and pavilion. Paths connect the Wellness Park with Tucker Ranch’s other offerings, including the playground, trails, camping, and parking lots.
Thematic planted spaces and landscapes (meditation, labyrinth, fragrance, water wise, et al.) display heirloom and contemporary plants celebrate Floridian year-round ornamental horticulture in the Gardens. Classes, programs, and special functions activate the Pavilion, an enclosed multi-functional building, day and night. Paths wind through the lush plantings, encouraging people to learn new and tried-and-true plants.
Family-oriented beginners exercise equipment and trails ring the pond, wetlands, and native landscapes. A boardwalk crosses the water; a floating roofed pavilion allows people to observe the wildlife calling the water and native vegetation home.